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Financial Center for Women

Megan's Story

Megan graduated top of her class from law school where she met her husband, Jason.  They each joined established thriving law practices and worked long hours to establish their own clients and pay down their college loans.

Unfortunately, Jason and Megan often disagreed about their finances.  Jason was eager to start a family, but Megan wanted to focus on her career and work towards becoming a partner at her firm.

Megan contacted the Financial Center for Women after seeing Paula’s segment about overcoming the financial impact of a divorce.  She had known in her heart, she and Jason were not on the same page about starting a family, pursuing their careers and managing their finances.

Paula recommended the couple consider counseling to see if their differences and goals could be reconciled.  A few weeks later, Megan called and said that she and Jason planned to file for divorce but intended to do so as amicably as possible.  Megan and Jason worked with a collaborative divorce attorney and entered into a settlement agreement. 

We helped Megan create a new budget based on her income and a financial plan reflective of her career goals.